
Quincy is the 17th stable release of Ceph. It is named after Squidward Quincy Tentacles from Spongebob Squarepants.

v17.2.0 Quincy

This is the first stable release of Ceph Quincy.

Major Changes from Pacific


  • Filestore has been deprecated in Quincy. BlueStore is Ceph's default object store.

  • The ceph-mgr-modules-core debian package no longer recommends ceph-mgr-rook. ceph-mgr-rook depends on python3-numpy, which cannot be imported in different Python sub-interpreters multiple times when the version of python3-numpy is older than 1.19. Because apt-get installs the Recommends packages by default, ceph-mgr-rook was always installed along with the ceph-mgr debian package as an indirect dependency. If your workflow depends on this behavior, you might want to install ceph-mgr-rook separately.

  • The device_health_metrics pool has been renamed .mgr. It is now used as a common store for all ceph-mgr modules. After upgrading to Quincy, the device_health_metrics pool will be renamed to .mgr on existing clusters.

  • The ceph pg dump command now prints three additional columns: LAST_SCRUB_DURATION shows the duration (in seconds) of the last completed scrub; SCRUB_SCHEDULING conveys whether a PG is scheduled to be scrubbed at a specified time, whether it is queued for scrubbing, or whether it is being scrubbed; OBJECTS_SCRUBBED shows the number of objects scrubbed in a PG after a scrub begins.

  • A health warning is now reported if the require-osd-release flag is not set to the appropriate release after a cluster upgrade.

  • LevelDB support has been removed. WITH_LEVELDB is no longer a supported build option. Users should migrate their monitors and OSDs to RocksDB before upgrading to Quincy.

  • Cephadm: osd_memory_target_autotune is enabled by default, which sets mgr/cephadm/autotune_memory_target_ratio to 0.7 of total RAM. This is unsuitable for hyperconverged infrastructures. For hyperconverged Ceph, please refer to the documentation or set mgr/cephadm/autotune_memory_target_ratio to 0.2.

  • telemetry: Improved the opt-in flow so that users can keep sharing the same data, even when new data collections are available. A new 'perf' channel that collects various performance metrics is now avaiable to opt into with: ceph telemetry on ceph telemetry enable channel perf See a sample report with ceph telemetry preview. Note that generating a telemetry report with 'perf' channel data might take a few moments in big clusters. For more details, see: https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/mgr/telemetry/

  • MGR: The progress module disables the pg recovery event by default since the event is expensive and has interrupted other services when there are OSDs being marked in/out from the the cluster. However, the user can still enable this event anytime. For more detail, see:


  • https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/55383 is a known issue - mon_cluster_log_to_journald needs to be set to false, when mon_cluster_log_to_file is set to true to continue to log cluster log messages to file, after log rotation.


  • SNMP Support

  • Colocation of Daemons (mgr, mds, rgw)

  • osd memory autotuning

  • Integration with new NFS mgr module

  • Ability to zap osds as they are removed

  • cephadm agent for increased performance/scalability


  • Day 1: the new "Cluster Expansion Wizard" will guide users through post-install steps: adding new hosts, storage devices or services.

  • NFS: the Dashboard now allows users to fully manage all NFS exports from a single place.

  • New mgr module (feedback): users can quickly report Ceph tracker issues or suggestions directly from the Dashboard or the CLI.

  • New "Message of the Day": cluster admins can publish a custom message in a banner.

  • Cephadm integration improvements:
    • Host management: maintenance, specs and labelling,

    • Service management: edit and display logs,

    • Daemon management (start, stop, restart, reload),

    • New services supported: ingress (HAProxy) and SNMP-gateway.

  • Monitoring and alerting:
    • 43 new alerts have been added (totalling 68) improving observability of events affecting: cluster health, monitors, storage devices, PGs and CephFS.

    • Alerts can now be sent externally as SNMP traps via the new SNMP gateway service (the MIB is provided).

    • Improved integrated full/nearfull event notifications.

    • Grafana Dashboards now use grafonnet format (though they're still available in JSON format).

    • Stack update: images for monitoring containers have been updated. Grafana 8.3.5, Prometheus 2.33.4, Alertmanager 0.23.0 and Node Exporter 1.3.1. This reduced exposure to several Grafana vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-43798, CVE-2021-39226, CVE-2021-43798, CVE-2020-29510, CVE-2020-29511).


  • OSD: Ceph now uses mclock_scheduler for BlueStore OSDs as its default osd_op_queue to provide QoS. The 'mclock_scheduler' is not supported for Filestore OSDs. Therefore, the default 'osd_op_queue' is set to wpq for Filestore OSDs and is enforced even if the user attempts to change it. For more details on configuring mclock see,


    An outstanding issue exists during runtime where the mclock config options related to reservation, weight and limit cannot be modified after switching to the custom mclock profile using the ceph config set ... command. This is tracked by: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/55153. Until the issue is fixed, users are advised to avoid using the 'custom' profile or use the workaround mentioned in the tracker.

  • MGR: The pg_autoscaler can now be turned on and off globally with the noautoscale flag. By default, it is set to on, but this flag can come in handy to prevent rebalancing triggered by autoscaling during cluster upgrade and maintenance. Pools can now be created with the --bulk flag, which allows the autoscaler to allocate more PGs to such pools. This can be useful to get better out of the box performance for data-heavy pools.

    For more details about autoscaling, see: https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/rados/operations/placement-groups/

  • OSD: Support for on-wire compression for osd-osd communication, off by default.

    For more details about compression modes, see: https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/rados/configuration/msgr2/#compression-modes

  • OSD: Concise reporting of slow operations in the cluster log. The old and more verbose logging behavior can be regained by setting osd_aggregated_slow_ops_logging to false.

  • the "kvs" Ceph object class is not packaged anymore. The "kvs" Ceph object class offers a distributed flat b-tree key-value store that is implemented on top of the librados objects omap. Because there are no existing internal users of this object class, it is not packaged anymore.

RBD block storage

  • rbd-nbd: rbd device attach and rbd device detach commands added, these allow for safe reattach after rbd-nbd daemon is restarted since Linux kernel 5.14.

  • rbd-nbd: notrim map option added to support thick-provisioned images, similar to krbd.

  • Large stabilization effort for client-side persistent caching on SSD devices, also available in 16.2.8. For details on usage, see:


  • Several bug fixes in diff calculation when using fast-diff image feature + whole object (inexact) mode. In some rare cases these long-standing issues could cause an incorrect rbd export. Also fixed in 15.2.16 and 16.2.8.

  • Fix for a potential performance degradation when running Windows VMs on krbd. For details, see rxbounce map option description:


RGW object storage

  • RGW now supports rate limiting by user and/or by bucket. With this feature it is possible to limit user and/or bucket, the total operations and/or bytes per minute can be delivered. This feature allows the admin to limit only READ operations and/or WRITE operations. The rate-limiting configuration could be applied on all users and all buckets by using global configuration.

  • radosgw-admin realm delete has been renamed to radosgw-admin realm rm. This is consistent with the help message.

  • S3 bucket notification events now contain an eTag key instead of etag, and eventName values no longer carry the s3: prefix, fixing deviations from the message format that is observed on AWS.

  • It is possible to specify ssl options and ciphers for beast frontend now. The default ssl options setting is "no_sslv2:no_sslv3:no_tlsv1:no_tlsv1_1". If you want to return to the old behavior, add 'ssl_options=' (empty) to the rgw frontends configuration.

  • The behavior for Multipart Upload was modified so that only CompleteMultipartUpload notification is sent at the end of the multipart upload. The POST notification at the beginning of the upload and the PUT notifications that were sent on each part are no longer sent.

CephFS distributed file system

  • fs: A file system can be created with a specific ID ("fscid"). This is useful in certain recovery scenarios (for example, when a monitor database has been lost and rebuilt, and the restored file system is expected to have the same ID as before).

  • fs: A file system can be renamed using the fs rename command. Any cephx credentials authorized for the old file system name will need to be reauthorized to the new file system name. Since the operations of the clients using these re-authorized IDs may be disrupted, this command requires the "--yes-i-really-mean-it" flag. Also, mirroring is expected to be disabled on the file system.

  • MDS upgrades no longer require all standby MDS daemons to be stoped before upgrading a file systems's sole active MDS.

  • CephFS: Failure to replay the journal by a standby-replay daemon now causes the rank to be marked "damaged".

Upgrading from Octopus or Pacific

Quincy does not support LevelDB. Please migrate your OSDs and monitors to RocksDB before upgrading to Quincy.

Before starting, make sure your cluster is stable and healthy (no down or recovering OSDs). (This is optional, but recommended.) You can disable the autoscaler for all pools during the upgrade using the noautoscale flag.


You can monitor the progress of your upgrade at each stage with the ceph versions command, which will tell you what ceph version(s) are running for each type of daemon.

Upgrading cephadm clusters

If your cluster is deployed with cephadm (first introduced in Octopus), then the upgrade process is entirely automated. To initiate the upgrade,

ceph orch upgrade start --ceph-version 17.2.0

The same process is used to upgrade to future minor releases.

Upgrade progress can be monitored with ceph -s (which provides a simple progress bar) or more verbosely with

ceph -W cephadm

The upgrade can be paused or resumed with

ceph orch upgrade pause   # to pause
ceph orch upgrade resume  # to resume

or canceled with

ceph orch upgrade stop

Note that canceling the upgrade simply stops the process; there is no ability to downgrade back to Octopus or Pacific.

Upgrading non-cephadm clusters


If you cluster is running Octopus (15.2.x) or later, you might choose to first convert it to use cephadm so that the upgrade to Quincy is automated (see above). For more information, see Converting an existing cluster to cephadm.

  1. Set the noout flag for the duration of the upgrade. (Optional, but recommended.):

    # ceph osd set noout
  2. Upgrade monitors by installing the new packages and restarting the monitor daemons. For example, on each monitor host,:

    # systemctl restart ceph-mon.target

    Once all monitors are up, verify that the monitor upgrade is complete by looking for the quincy string in the mon map. The command:

    # ceph mon dump | grep min_mon_release

    should report:

    min_mon_release 17 (quincy)

    If it doesn't, that implies that one or more monitors hasn't been upgraded and restarted and/or the quorum does not include all monitors.

  3. Upgrade ceph-mgr daemons by installing the new packages and restarting all manager daemons. For example, on each manager host,:

    # systemctl restart ceph-mgr.target

    Verify the ceph-mgr daemons are running by checking ceph -s:

    # ceph -s
       mon: 3 daemons, quorum foo,bar,baz
       mgr: foo(active), standbys: bar, baz
  4. Upgrade all OSDs by installing the new packages and restarting the ceph-osd daemons on all OSD hosts:

    # systemctl restart ceph-osd.target
  5. Upgrade all CephFS MDS daemons. For each CephFS file system,

    1. Disable standby_replay:

      # ceph fs set <fs_name> allow_standby_replay false
    2. Reduce the number of ranks to 1. (Make note of the original number of MDS daemons first if you plan to restore it later.):

      # ceph status
      # ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds 1
    3. Wait for the cluster to deactivate any non-zero ranks by periodically checking the status:

      # ceph status
    4. Take all standby MDS daemons offline on the appropriate hosts with:

      # systemctl stop ceph-mds@<daemon_name>
    5. Confirm that only one MDS is online and is rank 0 for your FS:

      # ceph status
    6. Upgrade the last remaining MDS daemon by installing the new packages and restarting the daemon:

      # systemctl restart ceph-mds.target
    7. Restart all standby MDS daemons that were taken offline:

      # systemctl start ceph-mds.target
    8. Restore the original value of max_mds for the volume:

      # ceph fs set <fs_name> max_mds <original_max_mds>
  6. Upgrade all radosgw daemons by upgrading packages and restarting daemons on all hosts:

    # systemctl restart ceph-radosgw.target
  7. Complete the upgrade by disallowing pre-Quincy OSDs and enabling all new Quincy-only functionality:

    # ceph osd require-osd-release quincy
  8. If you set noout at the beginning, be sure to clear it with:

    # ceph osd unset noout
  9. Consider transitioning your cluster to use the cephadm deployment and orchestration framework to simplify cluster management and future upgrades. For more information on converting an existing cluster to cephadm, see Converting an existing cluster to cephadm.


  1. Verify the cluster is healthy with ceph health. If your cluster is running Filestore, a deprecation warning is expected. This warning can be temporarily muted using the following command:

    ceph health mute OSD_FILESTORE
  2. If you are upgrading from Mimic, or did not already do so when you upgraded to Nautilus, we recommend you enable the new v2 network protocol, issue the following command:

    ceph mon enable-msgr2

    This will instruct all monitors that bind to the old default port 6789 for the legacy v1 protocol to also bind to the new 3300 v2 protocol port. To see if all monitors have been updated,:

    ceph mon dump

    and verify that each monitor has both a v2: and v1: address listed.

  3. Consider enabling the telemetry module to send anonymized usage statistics and crash information to the Ceph upstream developers. To see what would be reported (without actually sending any information to anyone),:

    ceph telemetry preview-all

    If you are comfortable with the data that is reported, you can opt-in to automatically report the high-level cluster metadata with:

    ceph telemetry on

    The public dashboard that aggregates Ceph telemetry can be found at https://telemetry-public.ceph.com/.

    For more information about the telemetry module, see the documentation.

Upgrading from pre-Octopus releases (like Nautilus)

You must first upgrade to Octopus (15.2.z) or Pacific (16.2.z) before upgrading to Quincy.